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flak is activated

ActivityPub August rolls on. Now with more (some) ActivityPub support in flak.

I held off on adding it before because I wasn’t sure how deep I wanted the integration to go, and I had some doubts about how useful minimal support would be. Time to find out.

Posts are now available as activity Article objects. There’s a minimal Person actor as well, since every post needs an author, but that’s about it. I think the objects are complete enough even for fussy implementations to accept them, but one never knows.

No inbox support, no following, no replies, etc. (Strike that. we’ve got follows and deliveries and creates now. Oh my.) Getting into delivery adds a lot more code (it did) and admin maintenance (oh well). So many little commits to fix all the bugs.

Another issue is that sometimes I like to experiment with posts that include custom scripting or styling, and that’s not going to federate well. Oh well, I guess you can figure it out and click through. Or not. WASM over AP when?

Posted 24 Aug 2023 18:53 by tedu Updated: 23 May 2024 19:15
Tagged: activitypub flak web