OpenBSD on EdgeRouter Lite
Having burned out both the original flash drive and its replacement, I can’t recommend using an ERL in a serious setting.
a prettier web, not a thicker one
There’s been a lot of fuss recently about the state of the web. quirksmode got the party started by telling us to stop pushing the web forward . Enough, enough, there’s too much! From the other direction, The Verge points out it’s really only too much because Microsoft refuses to release IE for iPhone. Whatever. For the morbidly curious, two fairly long recaps are Stop blaming the web. Stop breaking the web. and What’s wrong with the web?
refined spam typography
From a random spam:
font-family: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", Times, "Times New Roman", serif;
So we’ve got Windows, Mac, and... Linux? Well, some Linux. No love for DejaVu fonts I guess.
Tagged: mailfail
on the detection of quantum insert
The NSA has a secret project that can redirect web browsers to sites containing more sophisticated exploits called QUANTUM INSERT. (Do I still need to say allegedly?) It works by injecting packets into the TCP stream, though overwriting the stream may be a more accurate description. Refer to Deep dive into QUANTUM INSERT for more details. At the end of that post, there’s links to some code that can help one detect QI attacks in the wild. As noted by Wired and Bruce Schneier, among dozens of others, now we can defend ourselves against this attack (well, at least detect it).
bad robot
The best part of running your own server is definitely reviewing the logs. There are a lot of silly people out there, and each and every one of them has written a program that would like to visit your server.
from distribution to project
OpenBSD is going through something of a minimalist phase right now, but that wasn’t always the case. There was definitely an era of aggressive importation as well. Times change, priorities change, projects change. I wasn’t involved with OpenBSD during the early years, but I think I can explain the shift in attitudes. This is part three of an apparently ongoing series that started with Pruning and Polishing and out with the old, in with the less.
Tagged: openbsd
doas - dedicated openbsd application subexecutor
Three days of the doas.
branchless development
Among other developmental heresies, I’m also a believer in everybody working in the same branch. I’ve dropped hints from time to time, and of course OpenBSD practitioners are familiar with this ideology, but I’ve only tried explaining it in full to a few coworkers. Who sat through my talk alternating between being shocked and appalled. Good times.
help wan
A reminder to leave the artisanal kerning to the professionals.
Who’s Wan?
Tagged: quote