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stories i refuse to believe

The internet is filled with stories that purport to teach us a valuable lesson or something about how the world works, and they’re really important because they really happened. NASA spent millions of dollars designing a space pen, which was really foolish when they could have just used a pencil like the Russians. I think not as many people believe that anymore, but it’s still floating around out there.


Posted 22 Jan 2025 13:16 by tedu Updated: 22 Jan 2025 13:16
Tagged: thoughts

sometimes the commit is misattributed

A response of sorts to commit robbery.

I’ve been on both sides of commit misattribution. Sometimes my commit gets sniped. Sometimes I’m the one doing the sniping. It’s very rarely intentional.

In a project like OpenBSD, we’d have three Todds and four Jasons, which led to frequent confusion. Forgetting exactly who contributed what would happen occasionally. Emails get forwarded around. And I think every new OpenBSD developer goes through the experience of having half their commits sniped for the first month because other developers think you’re submitting a patch, not requesting review.

I’d guess 1% of commits are misattributed in some way. There’s an acknowledgement, but it’s incomplete. Or it’s omitted. Or it credits somebody else entirely. I think that’s not bad overall, though it does mean 1% of first time contributors have a suboptimal experience. It sucks to be the statistic.

Could the 1% be improved? Sure, just require a few more TPS reports before commits are permitted. If the solution is that we simply need to ask the maintainers to care more, are we sure they don’t care? There’s already enough people burning out and dropping out of open source work.

I think Ariel’s story could have been framed better, with a rather less villainous counterparty. I almost didn’t read it, because I don’t care about commit drama, but the story of the debugging was really interesting. I’m glad I read that! But hey, your blog, your story. That said, I don’t think it’s possible to generalize from one event to sweeping conclusions like this is why people don’t contribute to open source. This is, maybe, why 1% of people don’t contribute to open source.

Posted 14 May 2024 16:50 by tedu Updated: 14 May 2024 16:50
Tagged: thoughts

skyrim vs the wild

This post never made it into words when planned, so the references are a bit dated, but I think it’s still mostly relevant. (For those who are familiar with the references.) Some time ago, I saw a claim that the software developers who worked on Zelda: Breath of the Wild are much better than the developers for Elder Scrolls: Skyrim which has a great many bugs. I agree that Skyrim (and every Bethesda game) has an infamous reputation for lots of bugs, much more so than the Wild, but I don’t think we can conclude much about the skills of the people jamming code into vim or notepad++ or whatever.


Posted 14 Aug 2020 03:11 by tedu Updated: 14 Aug 2020 03:11
Tagged: games software thoughts

against testing

I really dislike writing tests. There’s some amount of discomfort I’d be willing to sustain if I felt it they were beneficial, but I also find they’re rarely worth the bother. Some reasons why. Most of this probably applicable specifically to unit testing, but some other bits to integration testing.


Posted 07 Jul 2020 00:36 by tedu Updated: 22 Dec 2020 18:22
Tagged: programming thoughts

good idea bad implementation crosstalk

Sometimes there’s a bad implementation of a good idea, which typically results in discussions turning into shouting matches between people who see only the bad implementation and people who see only the good idea. And sometimes seems more like always when it comes to smart devices, or the internet of things, aka ioshit.


Posted 27 May 2020 07:47 by tedu Updated: 30 May 2020 03:41
Tagged: software thoughts

Postel's law in development

Postel’s law, also known as the robustness principle, states that we should all be friends and try to get along. It’s also occasionally harmful. Here’s an example.


Posted 20 May 2020 17:42 by tedu Updated: 20 May 2020 17:42
Tagged: programming thoughts

on the usability of editable software

I’m aware of two occasions on which Knuth advised editing existing code, as opposed to simply using it. One mention is in this interview, advocating for “re-editable” code instead of the fashionable reusable code, although it doesn’t amount to much more than that statement. In Coders at Work he describes a system of working that’s basically patch and diff. He writes a program, the master version that works for him, and ships it out. People receive and it and then modify it with change files so it works for them.


Posted 30 Apr 2020 16:48 by tedu Updated: 06 Aug 2023 16:53
Tagged: software thoughts

rethinking openbsd security

OpenBSD aims to be a secure operating system. In the past few months there were quite a few security errata, however. That’s not too unusual, but some of the recent ones were a bit special. One might even say bad. The OpenBSD approach to security has a few aspects, two of which might be avoiding errors and minimizing the risk of mistakes. Other people have other ideas about how to build secure systems. I think it’s worth examining whether the OpenBSD approach works, or if this is evidence that it’s doomed to failure.


Posted 31 Mar 2020 04:20 by tedu Updated: 04 Apr 2020 09:15
Tagged: openbsd programming security thoughts

real world crypto talks

Real World Crypto 2020 was last week. It’s a conference I like because the talks are usually pretty interesting. The crypto talks have real world applications and the real world application talks have crypto. Afterwards, there’s usually not just something to be learned, but something to be done. I didn’t actually attend every talk, but here’s some notes.


Posted 14 Jan 2020 18:13 by tedu Updated: 15 Jan 2020 04:46
Tagged: event software thoughts

a theory of stack ranked enhancement requests

Every software project has a backlog of enhancement requests, unimplemented features. It may be explicitly tracked in a database, or perhaps just a sort of informal consensus among developers. Whether officially acknowledged or not, it exists.


Posted 27 Sep 2019 16:44 by tedu Updated: 27 Sep 2019 16:44
Tagged: software thoughts